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Department of Transport and Main Roads

Application process

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We have partnered with Hudson Global in the application process for graduate roles

Graduate recruitment process

There are 6 steps in the graduate recruitment process from application to offer. This process is designed so you have a variety of opportunities to showcase your skills, personality and motivations through cognitive testing, a written assessment, and a panel interview with our subject matter experts.

Please note, if you meet the suitability requirements for multiple positions, you may be offered a position outside of the one you initially applied for.

Find out more about our graduate program.

Your performance in each step of the assessment process will determine if you progress to the next stage.

  • 1. Fill in an online application form

    Complete an online application, where you will:

    • select your role preferences,
    • answer short answer questions about your values and experience
    • include your professional and work experience
    • attach the most recent academic transcript (a certified copy of your completed qualification must be provided on commencement).

    Once you have submitted your application you will receive an invitation to complete cognitive testing.

  • 2. Complete a Behavioural Attitudes Questionnaire and Learning and Problem-Solving Ability assessment (assessment stage 1)

    As part of the selection process, you will complete a Behavioural Attitudes Questionnaire. This tool gains insights into your personality, how you manage emotions, work with others, organise and manage your work and deal with change.

    You will also complete a learning and problem-solving ability assessment. This tool assesses how quickly you will learn and how effective you are at problem solving.

    The Behavioural Attitudes Questionnaire will take you 25 minutes to complete and the learning and problem-solving ability assessment will take 15 minutes. These assessments are not timed so you can take longer if you need to. Hudson will allow up to 5 working days to complete these assessments. 

  • 3. Written application assessment (assessment stage 2)

    If you are successful in proceeding to this stage, the 4 short answers from your online application (Step 1) will now be assessed.

  • 4. Complete a virtual panel interview (assessment stage 3)

    If you are shortlisted from stages 1 and 2, you will be invited to attend an interview with a Transport and Main Roads panel. The questions will be behavioural based, and your responses should include examples that demonstrate relevant behaviours. These can be from casual work, hobbies, sports or work experience.

    At this stage remind your referee they may be receiving a reference check. Your referee should be someone who is not related to you and knows you well enough to answer questions about how you problem solve and respond to challenges.

  • 5. Reference checks

    The reference checks are the last stage in the recruitment process. Your referees will be contacted to submit online reference checks during the interview stage.

  • 6. Outcome of the recruitment process

    We will contact the successful candidates by telephone after the selection outcome has been approved. An email offer will then be sent for you to formally accept. Once you have accepted, your supervisor will keep in contact with you until you join us.

Register your interest ( )

Accessibility and inclusion

Hudson Global's recruitment process is designed to be culturally appropriate for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and uses inclusive design principles. Inclusive design takes into account the needs of all people, including those with disabilities and other diverse backgrounds.

We strive to create a workplace and recruitment process that is inclusive for all, and we encourage candidates to let us know of any needs they may have. If you require alternative formats or have accessibility requirements, please contact our graduate team for assistance.

Last updated 4 May 2023